As an NHS organisation, we are trying to reach and communicate with as many people as we can.
If you require an interpreter for an appointment, please ask your referrer to indicate on the referral form that an interpreter is needed and we will arrange one.
If you require translations of letters or easy to read formats please let the service or clinician you are seeing know.
How to use this website
Our dedicated easy read and translation tool, which you can activate by clicking on the icon at the top right corner of the web page, has lots of useful features. The icon looks like this.
This tool will translate any wording into a different language other than English. Some languages are also available as audio so you can listen to the page being read aloud. You can also change the font, font size and background colour.
The video below will demonstrate how the tool works:
If you use British Sign Language, the Deaf Health Charity SignHealth has produced a large BSL health video library which you can access here:
How to access our clinics
We work with AccessAble to create a detailed guide that lets our patients see our clinics before they visit.
For example, you can find out where a department is located in relation to the main entrance, where car parking spaces are located, whether there are lifts to access other floors, whether a hearing loop is available, as well as in-depth information about accessible toilets and much more.
To find out more simply click on the icon that looks like the one below on our contact page under the address of the clinic you'll be attending.