During good quality sleep, the blood flow directs itself towards the muscles, which restores physical energy. So on the flip side, poor sleep can cause fatigue, lethargy and lack of motivation, which in turn can lead to poor posture, poor use of our muscles and mean we're at higher risk of injury.
The part of the brain that experiences stress, thoughts and feelings is shared with the part that experiences pain.
The two are highly linked and feed in to one and another. Stress can affect how you feel emotionally, mentally and physically, and also how you behave.
There are lots of resources on
NHS Choices, including what symptoms to look out for and tips (like those below) on how relax.
Depression and Anxiety
One in four of us will be affected by a mental health illness at some point in our lives. As has been mentioned before mind and body are linked, so its unsurprising that pain can affect mood. If you feel your mood is being affected by your MSK condition, speak to one of our team or find out more about the
Psychological Wellbeing Service delivered by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust. It offers a range of brief supported self-help and talking therapy options within a
stepped-care approach.
Knowing how to relax or wind down is crucial to combat the effects of stress, anxiety and poor sleep. Something as simple as breathing, could hold the key.

The square will help you to control and regulate your breathing.
It can be done anywhere, at anytime, all you have to do is visual a square ( a window frame or picture) or concentrate on a square nearby if there is one.
Mindfulness is an ancient Buddhist practice, which does not conflict with any beliefs or tradition, religious, cultural or scientific. It is simply a practical way to notice thoughts, physical sensations, sights, sounds, smells - anything we might not normally notice. Our minds wander about 50% of the time. On automatic pilot, we are more likely to have our “buttons pressed.”
Mindfulness in four easy steps:
- Choose an activity to do mindfully throughout the day, for one, two or five minutes ( e.g. drink a cup of tea, walk, wash the dishes).
- Whatever you are doing, be in that moment, right now. See, hear, smell, touch, feel, breathe
- Or breathe - Sit comfortably, with your eyes closed and your spine reasonably straight. Focus on your breathing
- Simply notice whenever other thoughts and sensations come to mind, then re-focus on your chosen mindful activity or breathing.